After much testing, tweaking and thinking we've come up with the below instructions to get you up and going with your wearable as quickly as possible. In our tests it takes less than 10 minutes to complete this whole journey.
If you need to join Curve, click here and you'll be taken to their sign up page. Next, download the Twinn app from your app store
Follow the instructions presented by the Twinn app
Linking your wearable - iOS devices
Place your iPhone flat on a table ensuring that you can still look over your phone to unlock apps that use face ID.
Your bracelet has a handy engraving on it, this engraving needs to be in contact with your phone (so not pointing up or to the sides).
Place the wearable at the top left or top right of your iPhone ensuring it ever so slightly hangs over the top of the phone. Please ensure it’s not placed in the middle of your phone as this will only block your camera and annoy you when you’re trying to open any other apps that use face ID.
Then follow the in app instructions.
Linking your wearable - Android devices
The sweet spot, is on the back of the handset.
Your bracelet has a handy engraving on it, this engraving needs to be in contact with your phone (so not pointing away from your phone or to the sides).
Hold your wearable flat in your hand and slowly pass your phone over the wearable, generally the sweet spot will be in the middle of the back of the phone but it may be elsewhere so take your time as your move the phone round.
Once you've added your wearable add your Curve card to the Twinn app.
The app will show you the option to 'Add a service' select this and add your Curve card.
If your Curve card hasn't arrived yet you can copy the details for it and paste them directly into the Twinn app. Log into the Curve app select Launchpad at the bottom of the main app screen > Account > Card details
Yippee! You're ready to go.